수업 주제 : It was a disaster…
Describing a holiday that went wrong and responding appropriately to someone else’s story
잘못되었던(... 실수하거나, 뭔가 기분나빴거나..) 휴일을 설명하고 다른 사람의 이야기에 적절하게 응답해보세요
The topic of this lesson is describing a holiday that was a disaster.
이번 레슨의 토픽은 재앙같았던(좋지 않았던) 휴일을 묘사하는 것입니다.
You will:
describe a holiday that went wrong
잘못되었던 휴일에 대해 설명합니다.
2017년 11월 독일 출장 갔을 때, 네덜란드 잠깐 다녀온 일에 대해 쓰면 좋을 듯.
In November, 2017, I went to Germany from Netherland by a train.
When I transfer in the railway station of the border,
German train didn't come about 2 hours.
I waited at that station over 3 hours.
In there, a staff broadcasted something with Dutch language and German.
A lot of people waited in front of station.
I asked a staff about situation, and he said that 'there's something wrong on rail.'
and advise that how to go next station.
Finally, I succeed to arrive my hotel in German, but I was so tired at that time.
learn phrases to express interest, sympathy and surprise
흥미,동정,놀람을 표현하는 어구를 배웁니다.
흥미에 관련된 단어
interested : 흥미를 가진, 관심 있는
funny : 재밌는 즐거운
bored : 지루한 싫증나는
joyful : 즐거운
pleased : 기뻐하는, 만족한
delighted : 기뻐하는
excited : 흥분한
fascinated : 매혹된, 매료된
동정과 관련된 단어
sympathy : 동정하다
pity : 연민, 동정심
compassion : 연민, 동정심
놀람과 관련된 단어
alarmed : 깜짝 놀란
surprised : 깜짝 놀란
astonished : 깜짝 놀란
frightened : 놀란, 겁먹은
흥미에 관련된 표현
I'm really into~
I'm interested in~
동정/위로와 관련된 표현
I'm sorry to hear that
That's too bad.
I know how you must feel.
How awful for you!
That's awful
Please accept my deepest condolences.
What a shame!
What a pity!
놀람과 관련된 표현
I was surprised to ~
I can't believe ~
What a surprise!
I never expected that
learn adjectives to describe bad experiences
나쁜 경험을 설명하는 형용사들을 배웁니다.
나쁜 경험을 설명하는 형용사
-> 쉽게 기억이 안나고, 검색도 쉽지 않음. 수업시간에 배운 것 정리
practise Intonation to show interest and word stress in adjectives.
흥미를 표현하는 억양과 형용사를 발음할때 강하게 발음하는 방법을 연습합니다.
-> 이것 역시 연습 하기
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